-Having a point is so over-rated.


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April 6, 2010
Played around with the look of the site a little. Sometimes that motivates me to start posting again, after one of my extra-long hiatuses. It’s been a long Winter.

Feb. 18, 2009
Since the last WordPress update I did, I’ve noticed a few things aren’t always working as they should. Most things work fine and the glitches are all little things that most people probably wouldn’t notice, but the RSS feed seems to be iffy. It’s probably due to the visual theme I’m using having some outdated coding somewhere, that this version of WP doesn’t like. I don’t know if I’ll bother to fix it or not. But I can say, this is why I hate updating software, especially when they try to get you to update every few months, seems like. Hah.

Feb. 18, 2008
Comments will be moderated on this blog, to keep the comment-spam-bots out of the picture. So if you comment on an entry, it might take an hour or a day before it shows up on the page.

Jan. 24, 2008
This is the place where I’ll post any important site news or announcements, such as “I’m on vacation for three months” or “The cat ate my webserver.” New items will always be on top. And dated. So you can be sure you’re reading the latest one. As if anyone is really going to read this page more than once.

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