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Archive for the 'Macros/CloseUps' Category

08 Mar

Cranefly and boredom


When I went to use the PC this morning, there was a giant cranefly sprawled out on my mousepad. I stared at it for a moment, then poked it to see if it was alive or dead. In the word’s of McCoy - “He’s dead, Jim!”
If I was a normal person, I’d do something like sweep the critter into the wastebasket. But I’m not a normal person, so I ended up taking some pictures of it. In the process I used a pencil to flip and rearrange it, and next thing you know, I had this captioned picture.

Maybe I need professional help.


07 Mar

Center of a daisy


Or rather, most of the center of a daisy. Sure is hard to get the DOF to look pleasant in photos like these.

07 Mar

Kitchen in a faucet


Not really a macro, but eh ….

I was doing dishes today and noticed how nice and shiny the ball on top of the kitchen faucet handle really was. Which of course meant I had to pull out the camera and experiment. I didn’t pull out the tripod so it’s just a “goofing off” shot, but I guess I’m a fan of the round ball reflection concept. I think it looks cool. The bulb’s distortion makes my hand appear as if it has monstrously long fingers, haha!

Yes, I played with the color/contrast and yes the sink is full of dirty dishes. :P

07 Mar

Two raindrops on twig


Not a “new” photo, but thought I’d toss another macro up to help counter all the American Idol posts I’ve been making lately. :P
The raindrops are hanging off very tiny tree buds - the ‘twig’ is attached to a large tree in the backyard. The camera was pointed upwards.

17 Feb

Drops on grass

raindrop photo

Raindrops on a grass leaf. I rarely like the results of photos like these because of the depth-of-field issues in extreme macros, but this one came out ok. The grass is from our backyard - we have clumps of dried out old grass-weeds everywhere - and yes it was purple-ish in color to begin with.


29 Jan

Orb weaver butt

spider photo

This guy had a big web in our backyard for a while. Unfortunately he was turned ‘away’ from me whilst sitting in his web, and I couldn’t get around it to take a frontal shot. So I know it’s a strange photo, but I still like it for some reason.

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